Please enclose the logo of your trademark, as it is being used at the moment. If various trademarks or different versions of the trademarks are used, enclose the logo of each of them. Any graphic format can be used to save the pictures (jpg, png, gif, bmp...).
Please enclose photographs in any graphic format of a product that bears the trademark, its packaging and the corresponding elements of advertising.
Make a list of the countries where the products bearing your trademark are exported to. Order them in categories according to your sales, whereby A are the countries with the highest sales, B the countries with the average sales and C the countries with the lowest sales.
5. State the new countries where you would like to export products bearing your trademark in the future
Classify them according to the time period established in your strategic plan.
Classify them according to the time period established in your strategic plan.
Make a detailed list of all the products or services that the trademark is used for, using the normal or usual name in its market.
8. State the extensions of the line or category of products or services that the trademark is expected to be used for in the future.
Classify them according to the time period established in your strategic plan.
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION: The Client agrees to have their data stored on a file
that IBIDEM ABOGADOS ESTRATEGAS, SLP is responsible for, which is used to
carry out the work that it has been assigned. This means that the information that is
legally required by the corresponding authorities must be provided (Public Registry
Offices, Trademark and Patent Offices), along with the information about new products
or services. In accordance with the LOPD 15/1999, the Client is entitled to access,
rectify or delete the data supplied by sending a letter, fax or email to IBIDEM to the
following address: Juan de la Cierva, 43, 2ª 1-1), P.O. Box 5010, 03203 ELCHE
(ALICANTE), tel. 966675573, fax 96666003, email:

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